Oh, I think it was 2018 or 2019. Forrest approached me about racing an off-road
race system known as the Silver State 300, which is here in Nevada and run by an
organisation called Best in the Desert. It was kind of my first off-road race I'd ever
done and I really hadn't ridden in the desert because of my motocross career, I was
just so focused on racing tracks.
So Forrest approached me and was like “Hey, man, I know you're capable so let's go
do this. So I said yes, we didn't have the best result but we had a good time and I
just fell in love with off-road racing. Afterwards, Forrest kept me in the loop and we
started racing more and more together. So here we are now getting to travel the
world and race dirt bikes together which I think is a really cool story. In the time
since he’s become like a big brother to me.