Four nights, back to back, a welcomed chore. Time to converse, laugh and make merry with a pint full of Deus Family and friends that have come into town for the 8th Annual Deus Slidetoberfest, albeit deconstructed.
Thursday was Film night we unfurled the Backyard Bedsheet Cinema. We made the seats all point one way. Popped some corn and played a string of our homemade celluloid explorations to a full house. That was followed twenty-four later by the Deus Jam Session a five-band fusion night. The stage began with one and finished with twenty. Non stop live music for four, rockin, solid hours. Saturday we celebrated Art with Pilgrimage an exhibition by Satria Nugraha. His beautifully balanced mixed medias are an absolute treat to take in adorned across all of the Deus Gallery walls. Which only left Sunday. The blow out of all the nights. Australian Indie band, BOOTLEG RASCAL was in town and had promised us nothing short of a mild riot. The trio dug deep and delivered a night that really mixed sheet up.
If you were at Slidetoberfest, then you know what we mean when we say you needed a holiday from your holiday. The Deus Temple events are the Yang to the days, yin. Big pours of our favourite measures of Film, Music, and Art all thrown together into a shaker, We then mix it with lashings of friends, both local and from afar, drown it in family and heaped with good vibes before being serving it up in a tall glass of smiles. What more could you ask for.
It's taken a few days but these images finally filtered to the top. We hope you enjoy.
Images by Keli Bow, Andy Mac & Phoenix Naman