We do get caught up in what goes dawn in the daylight hours during our events. What with all the motorcycles and surfboards. But what goes down at the Temple of Enthusiasm when the sun sets is stuff we hold equally as near and dear.
The Temple Moto Short Film Fest was the first of what we think will be many. We make movies, you can see quite a few of them here, but this event helps us to showcase your work. We showed a heap of movies from all over on the big screen which more than filled out the audience of a wishlist of fuel orientated want to dos.
The Friday Night Concert is definitely a fixture for all of our Festivals moving forward and the Australian Indie Band, Sons of the East, certainly nailed it this time around. The Dee Quartet may have prepped and primed the audience but the lads from the northern beaches pulled the trigger, dropped the bomb and otherwise threw all caution to the wind punching out a huge 90 minute set leaving everyone dripping with sweat yet wanting more. Bloody unforgettable night. Third time we’ve welcomed The Sons of the East to the Temple and we are hoping it won’t be the last.
Art is a big part of who we are and what we do so it shouldn’t come as any surprise that on we hosted a hell of a show in the Deus Gallery as part of the Slidetoberfest. Sketch is a social commentator of the highest order, short on words and armed with a brush. Heralding from Asahikawa city, where twenty years ago, he happened across the art of Ed Roth. In a substantial second, he suddenly had decisive purpose. Igniting the rocket that has sent him on the trajectory to today.
Sketch is contemptibly creative, though professing he’s nothing without his mentor, partner and wife. He can’t speak English, but turns a phrase like a maestro. He can’t use a computer except watching YouTube and looking at Ebay. He’s shy, but if you talk to him he’s happy to have a chat. He loves curry, radio controlled cars and nuts. Just not cashews because he’s allergic. He loves to challenge conservative norms while holding them up against his own melange of absurdity. We could tell from the works he hung in the Deus Gallery, he’s also refreshingly original.
Wrap Up Party… We think it says it all. A potpourri of awards, bands and a final ‘Yeee Haaaa…’ The yard is full to overflowing with friends both old and new. We pop the lot in a high ball and douse it in tequila and beer. And the results… Let’s just say they are designed to create a blur.
Images by Keli Bow, Adjie Badas, Adiguna K